At the hotel in Minneapolis, MN

Relaxing in the suite, hanging outside the bar, swimming in the pool and preparing for pictures after checkout.

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Brother Mark and Cousin Judy Cousin Judy My niece Nina is amused as the Uno game rolls along.
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My cousin's daughter Delanie My sister's husband Steve My other sister's husband Steve and nephew Laine
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My cousin's daughter, Krista Nephew Michael and niece Nina (and Graham) My cousin's son Cam and nephew Logan
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Nephew Logan Sisters Mindy and Maridee and second cousin Cody The flag cheesecake my sister Maridee made for the 4th
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Everyone stood and saluted the flag upon arrival Cousin Sue and her son Cody Me, cousin Judy and Maridee
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Graham gets ready to jump in the pool Graham jumps in the pool with Tina Thomas
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Graham in the pool with Mom. Nephews Micah and Dain with Dain's wife Min Nephew Kendrick
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Sister-in-law Kathi My mom after telling a story My mom with niece Nina trying to sneak out of the picture
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Sister Mindy, my mom and brother-in-law Steve H. Tina with nephew Kendrick My mom explaining her dire monetary condition