We made it to San Francisco, but I’m not really enjoying the trip very much. I’m reminded of how much I hate living in cubeland (i.e. cubicles). It’s very, very quiet here almost to the point of distraction.
I had to pass through security twice in Portland because of my money clip. If you heard that knifes less than 4 inches long were allowed, you heard wrong evidently. As I discovered a few years ago at a security checkpoint in Cincinatti, my money clip has a knife in it. I hadn’t planned on checking my bag, so at least I could put the money clip in the bag and check the bag. Back in Cincy, I had to steal a box from the checkout counter because I had already checked all my bags.
Before I went through security, I realized I had forgotten to detach my Leatherman micra from my keychain. I stashed it in the seat cover dispenser in the nearest bathroom. That worked for me once before about 15 years ago at MSP when I was afraid to carry a joint on board and was returning a few days later.
Current reading: n/a (forgot my book in the bag I checked)
Recent listening: n/a (remembered my iPod, forgot the headphones)
Recent viewing: Olympics: freestyle skiing
Imperative To Do: Get out of San Francisco, take out the trash
Here’s me bored in San Francisco:
Update 2/18: My Leatherman micra was waiting for me in the seat cover dispenser when I got back on Thursday.
Cry me a river! Whiner! It is at aleast warm there! BUT make sure you guard your heart when you leave wouldn’t want to leave it in San Francisco :p HA!
Bad joke. The bus driver for the parking lot told me a better one tonight:
Q: What kind of coffee did they serve on the Titanic?
A: Sanka!
Whiner? What am I whining about? OK, other than being bored. Trust me, this was the most boring job ever.