Wonkette on David Vitter

Most of the time, Wonkette is snarky without being very funny. Today is the exception. Hilarious!

Note: David Vitter is the Senator who was outed by Larry Flynt in the DC Madame scandal. During the Clinton impeachment, Vitter’s wife swore that she would never stand “take it” like Hillary Clinton did.

Another note: Article contains lots of swearing.

One Reply to “Wonkette on David Vitter”

  1. I have news for you folks. Bush is ‘The Leaker’.

    In the Name of Brutus

    Dames and Gents,

    In times unprecedented and tinged with despair, it is appropriate to reflect on the founding of our great nation. It was not with George Washington, but with Brutus, and not the one who killed Caeser. There was another who rebelled against the tyrant monarchy of Rome, The Tarquins. He wrote the Roman Constitution that would stand for 500 years. His sons sided with the monarchy. The monarchy lost. So to punish his sons and found a perfect union, he immolated his own sons.
    Machiavelli speaks fluently and voluminoulsy and voiciferously on this subject, in ‘The Discourses’, and yet is proved wrong on several counts by the miracle of America. He says that a nation founded in servitude, as America was a colony, will never win its freedom. He also says that a nation founded on fertile soil that is easily defended, will in time loose all of its freedoms because it will become, eventually, inevitably, sloth and sated, and will forget to protect them.
    As regards ‘The DC Madam’, I am personally involved. You can view my involvement at http://www.maytheygetwhattheydeserve.com/KAT.html
    Sometimes a mouse will lead you to a kat, and a kat can lead you to a rat and a rat, ironically, can lead you to the truth. And the truth, as they say, and as it is written, will set you free.
    May all those who sincerely and patiently wait for freedom be free and may all those who desire to steal those freedoms find instead the dire consequences that accompany contempt for a great man like Brutus.

    As regards Machiavelli,
    eram sapiens tamen nefas
    And again,
    vox vocis publicus est vox vocis deus

    May The Republic stand forever and bring the Glory Of The World, with Dignity, into Its Treasury.



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