Distance: 11.0 miles
Riding time: 55 minutes
Max speed: 27.2 mph
Average speed: 11.8 mph
Temperature: 72º
- 162nd to Halsey
- Halsey past I-84 overpass
- 80th to Glisan
- Glisan to 76th
- 76th to Everett
- Everett/Davis to Floral Place
- Floral Place across Burnside to Ankeny
- Ankeny to Grand
- Grand to Burnside
- Burnside to Broadway
- Broadway to office
This was the second morning in a row that I took this route (instead of jumping on the Max). I mostly felt good but lagged on some of the hills. All the aches and pains from the weekend are gone and it was much cooler than yesterday (when I looked down to see 93º on the bike computer). Overall, a beautiful ride.