2 Replies to “Inspired Bicycles”

  1. Wow. I’m gonna have to pull this up on my Blackberry tonight and show Taran…he will love that! He got a Haro bike for his birthday last fall, and he’s pretty good on it. But nothin like that! (He “pegged” me to church one Wednesday night…I think the whole town could hear me screaming! The next week I was better, and he doesn’t scare me as much when I’m on the pegs now…don’t even scream that much anymore!)

  2. I watched the video with Michael, who does tricks and jumps at the local skate park. I told him I never want to see him do those kinds of tricks! Too scary….He said the kid in the video is able to do those moves because the bike has hand and disc brakes–whatever that means! haha

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