Now that 2010 is here, I think it’s high time I finished the articles I began writing about my favorite music from 2008. The introduction I wrote explains the criteria I use for selection and I already published my picks for best songs of 2008.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2567
Aches & pains: numbness in left thigh, minor stomach flu, congestion, cough, sore right hip
Current reading: Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, Red Planet by Robert A. Heinlein, I Am America (and So Can You) by Stephen Colbert
Recent listening: Run DMC, Bach, The Doors, Neil Young, Fairground Attraction, News from Lake Wobegon
Recent viewing: Deadwood, Countdown, The Rachel Maddow Show, How I Met Your Mother, The National Parks, Arrested Development, Nova, football
Recent playing: geoDefense
Recently accomplished: Tina’s 40th birthday party, Christmas shopping (most), vacuumed office
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, put antenna in the attic, get passport, clean office, finish Best of 2008, rebates, clean roof
Zero Punctuation reviews Guitar Hero 5 and Beatles Rock Band
As always, hilarious.
(via isthisreallynecessary)
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2557
Aches & pains: numbness in left thigh
Current reading: Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Recent listening: Son Volt, Seals & Crofts, Firefall, Bread, Brave Combo, Sweet
Recent viewing: Fringe, Glee, Mad Men, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, The Office, Iowa at Ohio State, Forrest Gump, Land of the Lost (movie)
Recent playing: Doodle Jump, geoDefense
Recently accomplished: Fruit pickup and delivery, expense reports, winterization, yard work, doctor appointment, called Guisseppe’s, replaced rusty grill, cat attic prevention, new stylus for turntable (last?)
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, put antenna in the attic, clean office, finish Best of 2008, rebates, clean roof
Doctor Spock’s backup band
Best Wheelbarrow Race Ever
The awesome happens at the 14 second mark but watch the whole thing for context:
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2557
Aches & pains: numbness in left thigh
Current reading: Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut
Recent listening: Son Volt, Seals & Crofts, Firefall, Bread, Brave Combo
Recent viewing: Fringe, Glee, Mad Men, The Colbert Report
Recent playing: Doodle Jump, geoDefense
Recently accomplished: Fruit pickup and delivery, expense reports, winterization, yard work
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, put antenna in the attic, clean office, finish Best of 2008, rebates, replace rusted grill parts, clean roof
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2557
Aches & pains: sore back and sciatic nerve
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Dry: A Memoir by Augusten Burroughs
Recent listening: Warren Zevon, The Beatles, Bright Eyes
Recent viewing: Iowa vs. Wisconsin, Wartburg vs. Coe, miles of Iowa corn & beans
Recent playing: Doodle Jump
Recently accomplished: Iowa trip planning, visited Sunleafs in Dubuque, met J. Kelly Poole in Cedar Falls, Wartburg Homecoming 2009
People I was lucky enough to see while in Iowa: Troy Munn, Mindy Eastmann, Kalen “Bubby” Eastmann, Taran Eastmann, Mark & Kathi Ring, Logan Ring, Kent Ring, Berdean Ring, Kathryn Warburton, Lorell & Myrtle Christensen, Michelle Cummings, Frank Fox, Jeff Mitchell, Annette Adams, Carl & Kristy Borchardt, Randy Maravetz, Jeff Fox, Art & Amy Sunleaf, Maja Sunleaf, “Belle” Sunleaf, Lizzie Sunleaf, Kelly Poole, Terry Letsche, Rob Marquardt, Caroline & Jim Druschke, Dave Marx, Lynn Olsen, Bob Dahlke, Terrell Hale, Al Vandenbergh, Tim Lieder, Jim & Sharon Parcel, Arnie and Louise Duryee, Sue Barnes, Judy Christensen
People I wanted to see but ran out of time: Mariah Mindy Ring, Oren P. Phipps
Imperative To Do: Return cans, put antenna in the attic, clean office, finish Best of 2008, rebates, replace rusted grill parts, clean roof
Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned
Future programmers of America
This is a picture of my second grade class that appeared in our hometown newspaper, the Riceville Recorder. There were many more of us but I suppose they couldn’t all be in the picture with the newfangled computer they had us using. It was actually a teletype terminal that connected to a “mainframe” computer at Luther College in Decorah, IA (via an acoustic modem hookup). The terminal was kind of mounted on a dolly that let the teachers wheel it all around the school. We played Oregon Trail and a MasterMind knockoff called Bagels.