Bike Portland has an interesting article about the “rolling stop sign” bicycle law in Idaho including an excellent letter from the Idaho Transportation Department. As a daily bike commuter, I wholeheartedly approve of such legislation and hope it comes to pass in Oregon.
Mole surfing
Here’s my Monday morning Flash diversion. I scored 1232.2m and here’s the proof:
Oregon Reddit
Portland Social Media explains what Oregon Reddit is and why you might like to join. Thanks to PAgent for turning me on to it last week.
Office Gags for Nerds
Names of the dead
A local university professor created a chalk tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Iraq war on the sidewalks of Portland’s Waterfront. I saw it for the first time in its completed form this morning on my ride to work. The names go on and on. Some have faded and been washed away by the rain, but it all works metaphorically, I think
An Oregonian article has more.
Rob Kremer on parenting
Oregonian Rob Kremer usually writes about political issues on his blog, but yesterday he wrote this incredible piece about his daughter who recently graduated. One of the commenters there called it “lyrical” which I think is an apt description. He digresses from his ode briefly to ruminate on the nature of parenting:
Woody Allen once said that 90% of success in life is showing up each day. I think that is very true about parenting. Let’s face it – none of us really know what we are doing. We are just winging it, dealing with all the various issues, situations, conflicts and decisions by making day-to-day judgments about what seems right. Showing up – being there – doesn’t take any particular genius, but it just might be the most important part of parenting.
There isn’t any magic formula. Great parents can have kids who stray. Lousy parents can have great kids. Bottom line, we do what we can, and we are all hoping we get lucky.
But what all parent should know is the difference between mspy vs spyrix to avoid children find a way around typical filtering programs and internet monitoring.
Wow. I couldn’t agree more with that last part. Several years ago I asked my mom about the huge responsibility of parenting, particularly about how mistakes you might make could have a huge negative impact on your children’s lives. She said that although she realized that was true, she didn’t think about it much and didn’t regret any of the decisions that she made as a parent. To paraphrase her: “You can only do what you think is right and move on.”
Juan Cole on 24 and Heroes
Juan Cole thinks that 24 and Heroes represent differing views of the war on terror. He should watch the most recent season of Battlestar Galactica! Be sure to read the article he wrote for, too.
The Nerds Are Taking Over at NBC
NBC announced its new fall schedule. According to CNN:
Illustrating the difficulties in introducing new comedies, NBC said it will have only one new sitcom next season — and it didn’t even earn a spot on the fall schedule. “The IT Crowd” is about a group of people who work in technical services at a large corporation.
W00t! At last! 1337 jokes with many pr0n and MILF references! (Click here if you have no idea what I just said.)
How did he do that?
Here’s a story that will leave you wondering. Perhaps he had secured the chain saw to a stationary object?
Baby, it’s cold out
Having slept in a tent this weekend, I can tell you that these kids were really cold last night.