Kermit is sad

Evidently, Kermit didn’t take the death of Jim Henson very well. Read all about it here (link broken). The following video may be objectionable to some viewers.

Nadia’s Theme

Remember this? My sister had it on one of her K-Tel records and we listened to it alot back in the 70s. I don’t know why I remembered it recently, but this one is for Maridee.


I’ve taken a number of pictures in recent years that didn’t really fit in at the Rynosoft Gallery because it mostly contains family photos. Recently I discovered that Flickr, a free service from Yahoo!, is an excellent way to store and share your photos online. I started Flickr page for several of my photo projects, including this set documenting my last trip to the sleep clinic.

Flickr has some nifty features like the ability to add notes right on the photo (as in this example, specifying the geographical location of a photo, tagging photos with searchable keywords, organizing photos into sets and a bunch of other stuff I haven’t checked out yet. It’s really well done.

Soda Pop Stop

Who doesn’t love soda? Galco’s Soda Pop Stop is the premiere site on the internet for buying soda. You may have seen it profiled on the Food Network. Sure, it’s relatively expensive, but where else can you get Bubble Up these days?