Someone on Twitter coined the term “snowpocalypse” to describe the breathless media frenzy of the impending snow storm last week. Unfortunately, the snow has not melted and it has been a little snowpocalyptic around here since it arrived. I snapped a few pictures and put them in a set on my Flickr account. Unfortunately, there are probably more to come. I left Iowa 20 years ago to get away from this crap!
Ming and Other Pictures
I’ve been working late nights this week and Ming has missed my presence in bed I think. Last night he came out and kept demanding my attention. It was unusual enough when he croaked his meower at me but when he climbed onto my desk it was apparent that he needed attention. After I tried to ignore that, he settled on my Macbook Pro and sat there daring me to remove him. Eventually I was able to convince him to get off my laptop but he sought warmth elsewhere. I snapped a bunch of pictures and as usual a few came out pretty good. I was especially happy with the last few because, up until now, I’ve been unable to get a good picture of his cataracts. He’s totally blind in his left eye and can only see out the edges of his right eye.
Drain surfer
I love the boy’s face, which doesn’t even seem wet, surrounded by brown liquid that doesn’t really look like water. Click the thumbnail on the right for a better view.
Red Delicious
Today we picked up apples and pears at a local fruit farm outside of Hood River. I took a few pictures with my phone as our Troop leader haggled with the owner over how many boxes for which we had paid. It all worked out in the end. Here’s a shot of Red Delicious for my homies back in Iowa. These are by far the smallest variety they grow here. My favorites are the Fuji which are a bit smaller this year but still a large apple.
Birthday pictures
I didn’t take many still pictures when I was in Iowa for my birthday with my Uncle Lorell because I was preoccupied with my new Flip Video camera. I did take a few though and have posted them in the Rynosoft Gallery for your viewing pleasure. In case you didn’t notice when they appeared this summer, there are also a bunch from our trip to Idaho to bike with the Scouts. Of course, there’s always three random pictures from the gallery on the right side of this blog.
Spam Museum Parking
Here’s another picture from my trip to the Spam Museum last month. Something about a whole parking lot painted with the word “Spam” tickled me. Or perhaps appealed to my sense of justice.
Dolphin Olympics 2 Best Score
And with that, I am officially done with that game.
View from Johnny’s Spamarama
My cousin Sue has wanted to take me to the Spam Museum in Austin, MN for several years. Yesterday our dream came true when we made the 1-hour trek with my mom from my hometown of Riceville, IA. Unfortunately, when we arrived, we found that the museum is closed on Monday. Even so, the gift shop was open and I picked up a few things. Afterwards we drove across the street to Johnny’s Spamarama for a spam-themed lunch. I had a delicious Spam Reuben and Sue had the Spam Western Melt. My mom declined to have a Spam dish.
Internet meme of the day is:
1. Take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture wearing The Fifth Collection.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with your picture.
More pictures here.
Tina at Erik and Rhonda’s wedding
Here’s my beautiful wife last weekend when she, Graham and I attended a wedding reception for my good friend Erik Rogers and his new bride, Rhonda. She even offered to drive home if I cared to take advantage of the open bar.