Cool old photos from the LOC

The Library of Congress recently released some of their photos on Flickr. This particular picture is very compelling, but there are scores of others in the “1930s-1940s in Color” and “News in the 1910s” sets. Some other favorites:


Kittens, kittens, kittens

I’ve had a pile of kitten pictures to review for several weeks now and having been doing it a few at a time. Tonight I finished editing and posted them to the Rynosoft Gallery for your viewing pleasure. I started with well over 500 pictures from our three cameras and was able to weed it down to 92. I probably should have cut more but they are just too damned cute! All four of us took pictures so credit goes to everyone. You can view the Photo Properties to see which camera was used. Most of the great shots are from Tina’s PowerShot S2 which Tina and I both use. Some are from my PowerShot S330 which is less than spectacular and the boys use an old Olympus that I scrounged from work. Most of the pictures of the kittens at the beginning of the album were taken by the boys.

Deadly hearse

Deadly hearse
Originally uploaded by rynosoft

Before I left for work this morning, I read this story of a couple who killed themselves and their little girl with carbon monoxide poisoning yesterday. As you might imagine, I have a personal interest in carbon monoxide suicide so I rode by on my way to work. I was surprised to find that they had set out their trash and recycling before going through it.

Pictures from Iowa

The long weekend gave me some time to catch up on a few things including flipping through some pictures I took in Iowa and Minnesota. You can check them out here.

Update 9/4: This morning I discovered a bunch of pictures that I had not gone through yet. I’ll update the gallery with those soon.

Update 9/5: I added more photos and re-arranged the ones that were there. Some photos are missing captions but it’s mostly done.