I created a new gallery of some pictures I took while we were at the beach earlier this month. It was a great afternoon with Uncle Buddy and Cousin Natians and, regrettably, the only one where we got in any beach time. I also uploaded a few to my Flickr page.
Ice Cream in the Sky
One evening last week I looked up in the sky after deboarding the Max and saw this.
Evidently, I was not the only – you could see it all over Portland. To wit:
- A picture from SE Hawthorne
- A picture from wherabouts unknown
- Another from NE Portland
- And another from whereabouts unknown
So what was it all about? Portland Metblogs had the story including a link to the Neighborhood Notes website. A number of personal blogs covering it included gretchin lair, Magpie Ima, The Pearl Insider and Damn Portlanders where you can find pictures of the whole message.
I didn’t see any writing until they were on the last word. I couldn’t really read “moon” or “ice” so I watched them write several letters before I knew what that last word was. “Cool” was the right word for the experience!
Graham and I snapping iPhone pictures
No pictures, no cry
As I mentioned earlier this month, our first zoo concert this year was the Wailers. Tina blogged about it back then and I finally got around to posting the pictures in the Rynosoft Gallery. I also posted some crowd pictures to Flickr.
Family Reunion Flashback 2001
“My dad wears many hats”
Thomas brought this home from school. He photoshopped this picture I have on Flickr and added the text.
Graham’s Desktop
I was doing some routine maintenance on Graham’s computer this morning including freeing up some disk space since he had fallen below 1 Gb. His downloads go to his desktop so that was the first place I looked for extraneous and unused files. Here’s a picture of what I found:
Pictures 1-4 were all screenshots of completed games. This screenshot shows Picture 2 open. Other notable items are the Real Audio file (.ram) from a They Might Be Giants (his favorite band) stream and various downloads probably recommended by Thomas and me (darwinia, Redline, GoogleSketch, Pangea Arcade).
“Adama is my copilot”
The level of Battlestar nerdiness achieved by this car’s owner is close to uncomfortable. I’m not sure if I should be chagrined or jealous. Probably jealous.
Camera Shy
I snapped this while we waited for the Wailers to play at the zoo Wednesday evening. It gets chilly when the sun goes behind the bandstand so I brought my sweater from the office and this shirt which I wear when I’m biking. For some reason, Graham was a little camera shy at that moment.