Rachel Maddow makes a good argument here and a great appeal at the end.
Voting Will Make You Big and Strong
Keith Olbermann castigates John McCain and his campaign
Cat vs. Pot Holder
I shot the video when everyone else was out of the house and then showed it to them when they got back. Thomas edited the video and added the sound effects. Note that Rory was doing this for several minutes before I grabbed the camera. Crazy kitten!
Work It Out
David Letterman Reacts to John McCain Snub
Dave’s point about having Palin continue the campaign is a good one. Of course, they are too scared to put her in front of the press.
First Daily Show after 9/11
No Heroics
This upcoming sitcom on British television looks fun:
Republicans on Sarah Palin
Cubicle meltdown
BrazenCareerist.com counts down the top ten cubicle meltdown videos. You’ve probably seen most of them but the first and last in their list are interesting in that they are the same incident taken from two different angles. The first was taken from the ubiquitous security camera and goes on for several minutes:
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