Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: n/a

Current reading: The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, Coverville

Recent viewing: Stranger Things 2, Mindhunter, Mr. Robot, World Series (Game 5), Ex Machina, Arrival

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: 48 bike miles/week, finished painting the house, planted remaining grass

Imperative To Do: Get a job, Tina’s birthday present, lower grade to 8 inches, organize/clean garage

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: shoulders, right big toe, lower back

Current reading: The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, Radiolab

Recent viewing: Blade Runner, The Vietnam War (Ken Burns/Lynn Novice), Ray Donovan, South Park (Season 21), The Last Man on Earth

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: House painting, 10-mile bike ride 5 times a week, cleaned roof & gutters

Imperative To Do: Get a job, paint trim, lower grade to 8 inches, plant grass, winterize

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: ankles, fingers on right hand, right heel, right big toe

Current reading: n/a

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, This American Life, The Partially Examined Life, Waking Up with Sam Harris, Chris Cornell

Recent viewing: Rick & Morty, Ray Donovan, Twin Peaks: The Return, Mulholland Dr., Cloud Atlas, Doctor Strange, Master of None, Rogue One

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: The Daily Bowie (completed), 9000 steps a day for 2 weeks, rode bike 5-6 times a week, bought a new bike, house painting: scraping, caulking, primer, repairs, masking, rented spray painter (60% done)

Imperative To Do: Get a job, clean roof, finish painting house: belly band, repairs, spray paint, gutters, downspouts, trim, dormers, lower grade

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: shoulders, sciatica, balls of my feet, fingers on right hand

Current reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

Recent listening: Radiolab, This American Life, The Partially Examined Life, Waking Up with Sam Harris, Chris Cornell (various incarnations)

Recent viewing: The Young Pope, Bloodline, The Crown, Dark Net, Game of Thrones

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: The Daily Bowie, 7000 steps a day for 2 weeks, refinished deck, colonoscopy, finished Neil Young liner notes, mailed CDs (Kent, Kelly), trimmed three arbor vidas, cleaned up all yard debris

Imperative To Do: Get a job, walk 9000 steps per day or 2 weeks, paint house

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: shoulders, sciatica, right arch

Current reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, Cracking the Code Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell

Recent listening: Bowie, Manassas, Mystery to Me by Fleetwood Mac, Heart of Mine by Maria Muldaur, Audioslave, Future Games by Fleetwood Mac, Shot of Love by Bob Dylan, Chet Baker Sings

Recent viewing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, NBA Finals, National Treasure (Hulu series), Becoming Bond, 12 Monkeys (Hulu series)

Recent playing: Lake Drawing Book

Recently accomplished: The Daily Bowie, 5000 steps a day for 2 weeks, cleaned up patio, yard work, graduation party, wrote Mother’s article, mailed CDs (Jan, Sue, Katie)

Imperative To Do: Get a job, write Mother’s article, walk 6000 steps per day, refinish deck, colonoscopy, finish writing Neil Young liner notes

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: shoulders/neck (better but still creaky)

Current reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, Cracking the Code Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell

Recent listening: Chet Baker, Bob Dylan, Robyn Hitchcock, Maria Muldaur

Recent viewing: Thirteen Reasons Why, The Expanse, Better Call Saul (Season 2), The Last Man on Earth, Billions, Homeland, Scandal, Guardians of the Galaxy 2

Recent playing: Lake Drawing Book

Recently accomplished: The Daily Bowie, 3000 steps a day for 2 weeks, fixed bathtub drain, mailed CDs, yard work

Imperative To Do: Get a job, write Mother’s article, walk 4000 steps per day, mail CDs to people

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: sciatica, shoulders/neck

Current reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, Cracking the Code Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell

Recent listening: Bare Trees by Fleetwood Mac, Cop Killer by Body Count, Bob Dylan, Robyn Sings by Robyn Hitchcock, Seven Steps to Heaven by Miles Davis

Recent viewing: Billions, Scandal, Louis CK 2017, Suicide Squad, Last Week Tonight

Recent playing: Lake Drawing Book

Recently accomplished: The Daily Bowie, changed ToDo manager to OmniFocus, mowing, edging, weeds, programming challenges

Imperative To Do: Write Mother’s article, HackerRank, fix Graham’s bathtub drain, walk 3000 steps per day, mail CDs to people

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: sciatica, ankles

Current reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, Cracking the Code Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell

Recent listening: Cop Killer by Body Count, Anthology 1964-1977 by Johnny Rivers, These Foolish Things by Bryan Ferry, Garcia Plays Dylan, Neon Bible by Arcade Fire, The Doggfather by Snoop Dogg, Slow Train Coming by Bob Dylan, S-Town (podcast)

Recent viewing: Big Little Lies, Homeland, Billions, Scandal, The Last Man on Earth, Dave Chappelle: Collection 1, Marvel’s Iron Fist, The Crown

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: Replaced CR-V, changed insurance agent, cleaned roof & gutters, job interviews, The Daily Bowie

Imperative To Do: Write Mother’s article, find a job

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: sciatica

Current reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Recent listening: You Want It Darker by Leonard Cohen, Olé Coltrane, Peace Trail by Neil Young, Slightly Stoopid, Johannes Brahms, Dylanesque by Bryan Ferry, Watermark by Art Garfunkel, Roxy Music (eponymous)

Recent viewing: Longmire, Limitless (series), The Daily Show, Real Time with Bill Maher

Recent playing: Mario Run, Really Bad Chess

Recently accomplished: Finished a book, traveled to Georgia, laundry – Find out Piraja Fisken)

Imperative To Do: Replace CR-V, change insurance agent, clean roof/gutters, fix HP printer, bariatric application, write Mother’s article

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: left shoulder

Current reading: Just Kids by Patti Smith

Recent listening: You Want It Darker by Leonard Cohen, Olé Coltrane, Steamin’ with the Miles Davis Quintet, Let Me Get By by the Tedeschi Trucks Band, Peace Trail by Neil Young

Recent viewing: Goliath, Jim Gaffigan: Cinco, O Brother Where Art Thou, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, London Has Fallen, The Fall, 3%, The Sixties, Frank, Longmire

Recent playing: Mario Run

Recently accomplished: Paid bills, dumped US Bank

Imperative To Do: Change insurance agent, clean roof/gutters, fix HP printer, bariatric application, write Mother’s article