Today we picked up apples and pears at a local fruit farm outside of Hood River. I took a few pictures with my phone as our Troop leader haggled with the owner over how many boxes for which we had paid. It all worked out in the end. Here’s a shot of Red Delicious for my homies back in Iowa. These are by far the smallest variety they grow here. My favorites are the Fuji which are a bit smaller this year but still a large apple.
First Time Writing With A Mirror?
In case you don’t recognize this young woman, her name is Ashley Todd and she works for the John McCain campaign. A few days ago she reported being robbed and molested by a black man who, once he deduced that she worked for McCain, became enraged and carved a “B” on her face. She has since confessed to making the whole thing up and inflicting the damage herself. Obviously, she would have gotten away with it if she had just carved an “O”.
Birthday pictures
I didn’t take many still pictures when I was in Iowa for my birthday with my Uncle Lorell because I was preoccupied with my new Flip Video camera. I did take a few though and have posted them in the Rynosoft Gallery for your viewing pleasure. In case you didn’t notice when they appeared this summer, there are also a bunch from our trip to Idaho to bike with the Scouts. Of course, there’s always three random pictures from the gallery on the right side of this blog.
Spam Museum Parking
Here’s another picture from my trip to the Spam Museum last month. Something about a whole parking lot painted with the word “Spam” tickled me. Or perhaps appealed to my sense of justice.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2510
Van odometer: 154057
Weight lost (in pounds):Â 4
Aches & pains: numbness in left leg at times, stye (left eye), sore throat and cough
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: Down by the Old Mainstream by Golden Smog, Accelerate by R.E.M., Science Friday, Coverville, DrugMusic
Recent viewing: The Daily  Show, The Colbert Report, Numb3rs, Meet the Press, Patriots at Chargers, 60 Minutes, Nashville, Made, Dan in Real Life, Presidential Debate
Recent playing: Chain Factor, GlueFO
Recently accomplished:Â Cancelled gym membership, mowed lawn, paid bills, stored air conditioner for the winter, mailed packages
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, office organization, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries
Keith Olbermann castigates John McCain and his campaign
Dolphin Olympics 2 Best Score
And with that, I am officially done with that game.
Untried Recipe
Thought of this in the shower:
- One can cubed Spam (Hot & Spicy or Garlic)
- Shredded mozzarella cheese
- English muffins
- Spaghetti sauce
Cat vs. Pot Holder
I shot the video when everyone else was out of the house and then showed it to them when they got back. Thomas edited the video and added the sound effects. Note that Rory was doing this for several minutes before I grabbed the camera. Crazy kitten!