I keep the ends out for the tie that binds

Life has been more hectic than usual so I’ve had little time for writing lately. Nevertheless, as I wait for the second Presidential debate to start, I’ll fill you in on a few things that have been going on in the Ring household.

Last week I returned from a short trip to Iowa where I celebrated my birthday with my Uncle Lorell. Lorell and I have the same birthday so we probably spent every one of my birthdays together until I was a teenager. This year we enjoyed cake with many of my cousins shortly after a Friday night of Wildcat football in Riceville, IA. At some point amidst the buzz all around us, I leaned over to him and said, “I didn’t get you a card.” He replied, “That’s OK, I didn’t get you one, either.” It was a perfect moment. By all accounts his chemo-therapy is going well and he hasn’t had a great deal of discomfort or sickness yet.

Just a few days after I got home, we held our 3rd Annual 40th Birthday Party. Lots of old and new friends attended and it was a rousing success. Unlike previous years, the weather kept us indoors and we weren’t able to have a fire on the deck. Still, we enjoyed the company and conversation. We’re grateful to have so many great friends.

Thomas has good news this week: he is getting A’s in all of his classes. He’s in 7th grade this year and we have been apprehensive about his academic performance after he had lots of trouble getting homework done last year. We realize that it’s just the beginning of the year, but this is a much better start than last year.

View from Johnny’s Spamarama


View from Johnny’s Spamarama
Originally uploaded by rynosoft

My cousin Sue has wanted to take me to the Spam Museum in Austin, MN for several years. Yesterday our dream came true when we made the 1-hour trek with my mom from my hometown of Riceville, IA. Unfortunately, when we arrived, we found that the museum is closed on Monday. Even so, the gift shop was open and I picked up a few things. Afterwards we drove across the street to Johnny’s Spamarama for a spam-themed lunch. I had a delicious Spam Reuben and Sue had the Spam Western Melt. My mom declined to have a Spam dish.

Vital Statistics

Relatives seen: 30 (approximate)
Weight lost (in pounds): 0
Aches & pains: sciatic
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: “Grandma music”
Recent viewing: CBS Morning News, The Fugitive, Presidential debate
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Spaceward Ho!
Recently accomplished: Travel to Iowa, birthday celebrations with my birthday uncle, Spam Museum (outside only)
Imperative To Do: Return home, cancel gym membership, get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, office organization, get rid of MacRenewal Macs

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2510
Van odometer: 154024
Weight lost (in pounds): 2
Aches & pains: numbness in left leg at times, dry left eye in the morning
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: All Hope Is Gone by Slipknot, Quadrophenia, Pink Floyd
Recent viewing: Superbad, No Country For Old Men, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Countdown, The Rachel Maddow Show
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Spaceward Ho!, foosball (at Yahoo!)
Recently accomplished: Prepped “new” computers for Thomas & Graham, installed Tina’s bike computer, Craigslist ad for Thomas/Graham, freecycle, Goodwill runs, booked trip to Iowa, book trip to Foster City, returned cans, office organization, returned Xbox
Imperative To Do: Cancel gym membership, get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, office organization, get rid of MacRenewal Macs

Peeping from behind every window pane

I find myself in Foster City once again at EFI headquarters. I’ve been moved to another team again so I’m here familiarizing myself with the tool set and meeting the other team members. I’ll be here until Friday night.

Working from home has been better than I expected. Even though I’ve been very busy, I get to choose the times when I work and the times that I don’t. That means when I feel like doing a couple of hours in the evening, it’s no big deal. Or if I have to run some errand in the afternoon. So far I feel like I’ve been pretty productive and my new office feels like a cockpit controlling my working world and it has to do with the decoration I put on it, including windows with motorized blinds so I can control it from everywhere I’m with my phone. I’m sure I’ll write more on this later. I bought Hunter Douglas honeycomb shades and saved a ton of money on my electric bill right away.

Continue reading “Peeping from behind every window pane”

What American Accent Do You Have

What American accent do you have? 

Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak “Standard English straight out of the dictionary” but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like “Are you from Wisconsin?” or “Are you from Chicago?” Chances are you call carbonated drinks “pop.”

The Midland
The South
The Northeast
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

For the record, I stopped saying “pop” when I was a teenager in order to differentiate myself from the masses. I say “soda”.

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2510
Van odometer: 154018
Weight lost (in pounds): 1
Aches & pains: n/a
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: DrugMusic, Down by the Old Mainstream by Golden Smog, Cyberpunk by Billy Idol, It’s A Shame About Ray by The Lemonheads, Accelerate by R.E.M., Van Halen
Recent viewing: House of D, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Bears at Colts, How I Met Your Mother, Everyone Says I Love You
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Spaceward Ho!
Recently accomplished: Prepped “new” computers for Thomas & Graham, installed Tina’s bike computer, Craigslist ad for Thomas/Graham, freecycle, Goodwill runs, booked trip to Iowa, book trip to Foster City, returned cans, office organization
Imperative To Do: Cancel gym membership, return XBox, get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, return cans with Graham, office organization