Bike odometer: 2443
Van odometer: 152647
Weight lost (in pounds):Â 3
Aches & pains:Â none
Current reading: The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, CSS: The Definitive Guide (O’Reilly) by Eric A. Meyer
Recent listening: Chrome Dreams II by Neil Young, Jimmy Buffett, Fresh Air, This American Life
Recent viewing: Lakers vs. Spurs, Celtics vs. Pistons, Doctor Who, Face the Nation, Countdown, Hardball
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Fireflies
Recently accomplished:Â Voted, GPS rebate, cleaned cat boxes, cardboard recycling, new tires for Thomas, fixed flat on little bike, mowed lawn
Imperative To Do: Sell G4, get rid of junk (couch, vacuum cleaner, mower), buy trailer for van, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, weeds, clean garage, mow lawn, pay bills, fix Thomas’ window, moss, new muxtape
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer:Â 2423
Van odometer: 152328
Weight lost (in pounds):Â 4
Aches & pains: left achilles tendon, sciatic
Current reading: The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, The Areas of My Expertise by John Hodgman, My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, CSS: The Definitive Guide (O’Reilly) by Eric A. Meyer
Recent listening: This American Life, Chrome Dreams II by Neil Young
Recent viewing: Medium, NBA Playoffs, The Colbert Report, Mary Poppins, The Simpsons, Doctor Who
Recent playing: Virus 2, Multitasking
Recently accomplished:Â Sent Xbox in for repairs, cleaned cat boxes, haircut, best Mother’s Day ever, mowed lawn
Imperative To Do: Sell G4, get rid of junk (couch, vacuum cleaner, mower), buy trailer for van, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, GPS rebate
Separated at birth?
If I were Jerry Buss, I’d shave my mustache ASAP.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2395
Van odometer: 151992
Weight lost (in pounds):Â 8
Aches & pains:Â left achilles tendon, sciatic
Current reading: The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, The Areas of My Expertise by John Hodgman, My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk
Recent listening: Rage Against The Machine, This American Life, Bob Wills
Recent viewing: Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Warren Miller’s Ride, Suns vs. Spurs, South Park, The Office, Numbers, Cavaliers vs. Wizards
Recent playing: TypeRacer (top speed about 75 wpm)
Recently accomplished:Â Cat boxes, recycling, clean and lube bikes, adjusted Thomas’ “old” bike for Graham, weed & feed, 401k loan, mowed lawn, changed voter registration, weed & feed
Imperative To Do: Sell G4, get rid of junk (couch, vacuum cleaner, mower), buy trailer for van, activate new Tivo, develop comprehensive reward/punishment plan for homework, oil change for van
Vital Statistics
Van odometer: 151601
Weight lost (in pounds):Â 6
Aches & pains: sciatic, right ankle
Current reading: The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, The Areas of My Expertise by John Hodgman
Recent listening: News from Lake Wobegon, Go Tell It On The Mountain by The Blind Boys of Alabama, Fruitcakes by Jimmy Buffett
Recent viewing: Suns at Spurs, The Simpsons, Medium, Torchwood
Recent playing: Xbox 360, Guitar Hero III
Recently accomplished:Â Cleaning up missing stuff, tagged existing blog entries, installed statistics plugin for WordPress, modified blog sidebar, entertained the Camps, cleaned cat box, reorganized entertainment center
Imperative To Do: Join gym, post office (Kent, Sue, Lala), phone calls, test bike commute, finish 401k rollover, sell G4, get rid of junk (couch, vacuum cleaner, mower), buy trailer for van, clean van, activate new Tivo, pay bills
Thomas wins the bracket challenge
Thomas: 1130
Mick:Â 800
Graham:Â 680
Bracket results before Final Four
Thomas picked a good year to pick four #1 seeds and has pulled way ahead of Graham and I in our NCAA tournament pool. It seems unlikely that we’ll catch him now:
Mick:Â 800 (picked three of Final Four)
Thomas:Â 1010 (picked all Final Four)
Graham:Â 680 (picked two of Final Four)
Bracket results after Round Two
I was only able to convince Thomas and Graham to join my NCAA tournament pool but we had fun this weekend tracking the results. After two rounds, Thomas is way ahead of Graham and I:
Mick: 360
Thomas: 450
Graham: 360
Fun with Brackets
Whether you are hard-core fan of college basketball or someone who knows (or cares) nothing about it, it’s always fun to compete with your friends. If you want to compete with me in ESPN’s contest to predict the winners in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, please join my group.
Kenny George is very tall
Seven feet, seven inches tall.
The “little guy” that dunked on him is 6′ 10″ tall.