- Happy Birthday Little Graham: Tina’s paean to our youngest son on his 9th birthday. She nailed it.
- Oregonian article on Twitter: Steve Woodward profiles my favorite web service and mentions some of the more popular Portland area Twitterers. He also provides a link to a del.icio.us page with more links to Twitter resources.
- 2008 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College: Predict who will be our next president.
- NameVoyager: Even if you (like me) don’t have a baby in your future, it’s fun to see naming trends over the last century. Note that the y-axis for the chart adjusts each time you change names.
- Brand Tag Cloud Quiz: Identify the brand based on words/phrases other people have used to describe it. The larger the word, the more often it has been used to describe the brand. You can also feed the quiz.
- The World of Chemistry (below)
Vital Statistics
Weight lost (in pounds): 30
South Beach days in the last week: 3
Hours of sleep last night: 9
Hours billed last week: 43
Aches & pains: wrists, left shoulder
Current reading:: 2107 Curious Word Origins, Says & Expressions by Charles Earle Funk, The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, Death By Black Hole by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Recent listening: This American Life, Coverville, DrugMusic, Pure Pod For Now People, Science Friday, Fresh Air
Recent viewing: Countdown, Hardball, The Daily Show, My Name Is Earl, CSI: Miami
Recent playing: Guitar Hero II (XBox 360)
Recently accomplished: Updated Tina’s OS, cleaned up kitten poop in Thomas’ room, 2nd annual 40th birthday party, updated resume
Imperative To Do: RMA old Tivo drive, sift through inbox, post office, finish garage, freecycle gorilla shelf parts, sunglasses, sign release papers for Sears commercial
Stuff I Got for my Birthday
- Half.com online gift certificate from the Powells (my perennially favorite gift but not this year), which I used to purchase:
- A Different Kind Of Christmas : Various Artists (CD, 1994)
- Sun Also Rises : Ernest Hemingway (Paperback, 1982)
- Dune Messiah : Frank Herbert (Paperback, 1994)
- The Areas of My Expertise : John Hodgman (Paperback, 2006)
- Salem’s Lot : Stephen King (Paperback, 1976)
- Quest for the Well of Souls : Jack L. Chalker (Paperback, 1995)
- The Mix-Up : Beastie Boys (The) (CD)
- Regal Cinemas gift card from the Bartons
- Cash from Uncle Buddy (second favorite gift every year except this year)
- Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii from Tina and the boys (second favorite all-time gift)
- A killer party mostly organized and thrown by my lovely wife
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 1932
Weight lost: 36 lbs.
South Beach days in the last week: none
Hours of sleep last night: 8.5
Hours billed last week: 40
Aches & pains: none
Current reading:: 2107 Curious Word Origins, Says & Expressions by Charles Earle Funk, The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, Death By Black Hole by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Recent listening: This American Life, News from Lake Wobegon, Coverville, DrugMusic, NPR Story of the Day, Science Friday
Recent viewing: My Name Is Earl, Heroes, World Series of Poker, Countdown
Recent playing: Guitar Hero II (XBox 360)
Recently accomplished: Trimmed shrubs, paid bills, rescheduled birthday party
Imperative To Do: RMA old Tivo drive, sift through inbox, post office, finish garage, freecycle gorilla shelf parts, sunglasses, update resume
Happy Birthday To Me!

I’m 41 years old today. The boys reserved Guitar Hero III for me at GameSpot. I can’t wait until October 28! In the meantime, they got me a cool GH3 poster.
Happy Birthday Graham!
Eight years old today
Flashback: Here’s the story of his birth.
Happy Birthday, Thomas!
Thomas is 11 years old today!
Can you believe it? Send him greetings at thomas at rynosoft dot com.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Tina!
Be sure to drop by her blog today and wish her a happy birthday.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 354 miles
Average speed: 10.6 mph
Weight lost: 42 lbs.
Hours of sleep last night: 8
Hours billed this week: 10 (1 day)
Current reading: The Prince by Machiavelli, Magical Thinking: True Stories by Augusten Burroughs
Recent listening: Authorized Greatest Hits by Cheap Trick, Greatest Hits by Bob Seger, Stardust by Willie Nelson, Europe ’72 by Grateful Dead, Coverville, KBOO Bike Show
Recent viewing: Wolfen, Without a Trace, Cold Case, Colts at Patriots, Heroes, CSI: Miami
Recent playing: Zuma, Halo
Recently accomplished:Â Paid bills, cleaned filing cabinet, bought Tina’s birthday present, voted
Imperative To Do: Follow-up with Thomas’ principal, recycle cardboard, finish old blog entries, get Thomas’ computer to boot, rake, clean garage, install new permanent Tivo hard drive, fix laundry room door
Cool Link: Faith Hill is a bad loser: Even if she was joking, it’s disrespectful to the winner.
Vital Statistics
This is a screenshot from Thomas’ computer last week. It shows the “History” menu in his web browser. Behind the the menu, you can see parts of the article he was reading on Wikipedia: Eroticism. Click the image to open a window with a larger version.
I stumbled upon this information one night because he kept using his computer when he was supposed to be in bed. Tina busted him several times and so I checked on him remotely from my office (all of the computers in our house are remotely viewable/controllable from my office computer). He was no longer using his computer, but I was surprised to find that he was reading an article on eroticism. I told Tina the next day and we agree to talk to him about it.
In the meantime, I pondered how he had even thought to look up “eroticism” on Wikipedia. We considered that he might have gotten some inappropriate spam, but I checked his email and didn’t see anything like that. Then I thought to check his browsing history and obtained this screenshot. The “History” menu shows all of the pages that you have accessed in the order that you accessed them. More recent pages are at the top and go down in reverse chronological order. So you can see that he started at Wikipedia’s front page where he clicked on a link to “relationship”. This took him to something called a “disambiguation page” – a page designed to resolve word ambiguities by summarizing the articles for each use of the word. From there, he clicked on the link to “romantic love” which has links to “free love”, “puppy love” (which has a link to “crush”) and, finally, “erotic love”, which redirects to the “Eroticism” article.
When Tina and I asked him about it (separately and non-chalantly), he said that he just clicked on a link in Wikipedia and then clicked a bunch of others after that. Moreover, he said he didn’t really understand any of the articles. We told him he could ask us about stuff like that if he wanted to know more and he said, “OK.” And that was the end of it. At least for now.
Bike odometer: 201 miles
Current reading: I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe, The Prince by Machiavelli
Recent listening: This Is The Moody Blues by The Moody Blues, Coverville, DrugMusic
Recent viewing: Falcons at Saints, Countdown, The Daily Show, The Simpsons
Recent playing: Zuma
Recently accomplished: n/a
Imperative To Do: Refinish deck, hair cut, new rear fender for bike, finish old blog entries, fix toilet (call plumber), rake, install new hard drive for Thomas
Cool Link: Fembot for sale: Somebody is selling an Austin Powers prop and the pictures are quite creepy.