Flowers for Mom

Last night I got home a little early and decided to take advantage of the sunlight. While I mowed the front yard and trimmed the weeds, Graham came out and asked if he could pick some flowers for Tina. I said sure and he set about cutting off roses, rhododendron blooms and whatever else he could find in the yard. Thomas came out after a little while and suggested that arranging them nicely for a picture would make good wallpaper for Tina’s computer. Soon they were both enthusiastically arranging flowers for pictures. The results were pretty good. The light was low but some of the details are nice. I also added a few photos to my Spring Flowers album on Flickr.

Snakes on a train

Snakes on a train
Originally uploaded by rynosoft.

This guy also had a three-legged pit bull with him. It took me several minutes before I noticed the snake wrapped around his neck. He claimed the dog liked having the snake wrapped around him but the dog wasn’t too keen when he demonstrated for everyone.

I declined to inform him of TriMet’s anti-pet rules.

May Day 2007

When I was a kid, May Day meant that we made treat baskets for the other kids in the neighborhood and left them on their doorsteps. In Portland, May Day is celebrated as an international labor event. I happen to work on Broadway in Downtown Portland where the annual May Day March passes by. I snapped a few pictures as they passed by this year.

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 905
Weight lost: 59 lbs.
Hours of sleep last night: 7.5
Hours billed last week: 43
Current reading: 2107 Curious Word Origins, Says & Expressions by Charles Earle Funk, The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Recent listening: NPR Story of the Day, Science Friday, Stardust by Willie Nelson, Europe ’72 by Grateful Dead
Recent viewing: The Simpsons, Sportscenter, CSI: Miami, Man vs. Wild, The Omen: The Beginning
Recent playing: Jelly Jumper, Boomshine
Recently accomplished: Mowed lawn, re-organized book shelves, downspout repair, learned CSS, website upgrades, trash, recycling, Flickr futzing
Imperative To Do: RMA old Tivo drive, backup Thomas, backup Graham, backup Tina, bank deposit, renew BTA membership, pickup tire at Bike Gallery