I updated my Flickr page this afternoon including a set about my compost pile (exciting stuff!). Free accounts on Flickr are only allowed to keep three sets at a time, so I’ll soon be deleting my sleep clinic set. The photos will still be there but they’ll no longer be grouped together. Go see it now before it’s gone!
I’ve taken a number of pictures in recent years that didn’t really fit in at the Rynosoft Gallery because it mostly contains family photos. Recently I discovered that Flickr, a free service from Yahoo!, is an excellent way to store and share your photos online. I started Flickr page for several of my photo projects, including this set documenting my last trip to the sleep clinic.
Flickr has some nifty features like the ability to add notes right on the photo (as in this example, specifying the geographical location of a photo, tagging photos with searchable keywords, organizing photos into sets and a bunch of other stuff I haven’t checked out yet. It’s really well done.
Portland is beautiful
I stumbled across these pictures taken from the recently completed OHSU sky tram. The first few are quite amazing.
HTML Humor
If you don’t know what HTML is, read no further. Otherwise, have a few laughs thanks to BoingBoing. There’s also a collection of similar visual puns at at Flickr.
Vital Statistics
As I mentioned earlier, I had some problems with some popcorn stuck in my gums. Despite (or because of) my poking and flossing, it became very sore. I was resolved to have my Kakar Dental Group dentist take care of it, but thought I should leave it alone for a few days. Tina suggested swishing it a couple of times a day with Listerine which I did for about three days. Lo and behold, all is well again!
I watched my beloved Hawkeyes fall to Northwestern State last night. I think they drew the highest seed I have ever seen them get and they lose in the first round on a last second three pointer. I feel like Charlie Brown after Lucy pulls the football away. And if it wasn’t bad enough watching them lose it once, it must have been the upset of the day because they showed it about 20 times during the ensuing NCAA coverage on CBS. My bracket is completely blown.
Current reading: Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now by Barry Miles, 9-11 by Noam Chomsky
McCartney Trivia: A friend of Paul’s was in the “College of ‘Pataphysics”, which was a sort of joke organization for intellectuals, mostly concerned about drinking. Paul is proud that his mention of ‘pataphysics in “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” is the only one of it’s kind.
Recent listening: My I’m Large, Somebody’s Miracle, Da Vinci’s Notebook
Recent viewing: March Madness, Suns vs. Clippers, Heat vs. Celtics, Conviction, Medium
Recent playing: Poker Room
Recently Accomplished: Truck maintenance (motor mount may be broken), called Kent and my mom, paid bills
Imperative To Do: Start taxes, retrieve Ryno mail, get truck fixed
Cool link: Battlestar Galactica Blog

Rob’s CD Collection – I will never catch up.
I found the White Album and several others without much effort. See any you recognize? (Hint: Click for a larger version.)