Vital Statistics

Bike miles in 2022: 0

Aches & pains: right shoulder, sciatic, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Current reading: Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, John Parr, Planet Money

Recent viewing: The Witcher, Shameless, NFL Playoffs

Recent playing: Galaga Wars+

Recent events: Xmas in New Mexico, ate a smash burger

Recently accomplished: Installed knife bar, installed bidet, ice maker deep clean, leaf removal, invented Mac ‘n’ cheese-burger, bass lessons

Imperative To Do: Go on a bike ride, schedule roof estimates, file taxes, plumbing estimates, replace toilet seat, Eply maneuver

Daily Habit Goals, June

Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
06:15,Get out of bed
,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
,Water cats
06:45,Ride to work
,Peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
12:30,Lunch (60g carbs)
16:30,Ride home
18:30,Dinner (60g carbs)
19:00,Free time for…
,…Reading books
21:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard

I read the news today, oh boy

Monday, January 26, 2009

iPhone alarm wakes me with “Sonar”. I get out of bed, put on yesterday’s clothes and check Thomas’ room. His alarm clock is rumbling but he is not in his room. I wander around the house looking for him until I find him in bed with his Grandma. I wake him. I take my iPhone into the Big TV Room where I check mail, Twitter and Facebook.

Continue reading “I read the news today, oh boy”

Happy Mother’s Day

Graham quietly woke me shortly after 7:00 this morning so I could help him prepare our annual “surprise” Mother’s Day breakfast. We made our plan and I advised him that we should wait until at least 8:00 before starting it. Graham watched TV while I napped on the couch until Tina came out at 7:45 asking where everybody had gone. I emphatically told her that she should go back to bed and she eventually understood. Graham and I then went to work making french toast, warm syrup and with orange slices on the side. We served it to Tina in bed but she decided to bring it out to the kitchen since we don’t have a good tray for eating in bed anymore.

Continue reading “Happy Mother’s Day”

Food Fight

If you know your history and your ethnic cuisine, you should be able to follow this video from start to finish:

In case you don’t know ethnic foods that well, there is a cheat sheet to help you. You’re on your own for history.

Holiday Road: Day 11

Monday, December 31

My original intention in going to San Diego was to show my family some of my old haunts as well as seeing some of the tourist sites. With the family already anxious to head home, I trimmed the list to three: San Diego Zoo, Coronado Beach and the San Diego Chicken Pie Shop.

We were able to get to the zoo shortly after opening and saw nearly everything that we wanted. I even rode on the “Skyfari” with the rest of the family to get us to the exit when everyone was dead tired. It was terrifying for the first half of the ride but went by quickly once I could see the end of the line.

After the zoo, we zoomed over the Coronado Bridge to the beach where the boys literally dug in for the remaining daylight hours. We watched the sun set over the Pacific Ocean before dragging the boys to the car where they changed back into their street clothes while I held my hoody around them.

We drove back into town and nearly drove past the “new” location of the Chicken Pie Shop (they moved shortly after I left San Diego in 1990). Graham thought it sounded like a terrible idea until he took his first bite of their trademark pie. Unfortunately, they had raised their prices since the last time I had been there in 1990. back then you got the chicken/turkey pie, whipped potatoes and gravy, roll, vegetable and dessert for $5.25. Over the last 17 years, they had raised the price to $6!

We drove by my old apartment and stopped at “my” old Ralph’s grocery store for champagne and Martinelli’s. Otherwise, I hardly recognized any of my old stomping grounds and even got lost in my old neighborhood. During the half hour drive back to the Poway Ramada, I realized that I now understand the phrase “You can’t go home.” It’s never the place that you remember. Everything changes including the people.

We spent the last hour of 2007 begging our children to let us off easy by celebrating the New Year early, but they insisted on staying up until midnight. We toasted to our good fortune and everyone collapsed in bed by 12:05.

Lunch in the square

Starting on Thursday, I am going to start a weekly tradition for myself: lunch in the square. Every Thursday at 12:30, I’ll be getting lunch in Pioneer Courthouse Square and eating it on the steps where I can do some people watching. Consider this your open invitation to join me. I’ll be the one in the tie-dye t-shirt, at least until it starts raining.

Update 10/4: It started raining so look for the guy in the yellow rain jacket.

Vital Statistics

Hours of sleep last night: 8
Hours billed last week: 0
Cobs of corn eaten: 12 (approximate)
Aches & pains: none
Current reading:: Metal Cowboy by Joe Kurmaskie
Recent weather: hot, cold, wet, dry (no lightning or thunder)
Recently accomplished: picked and shucked corn, skeet shooting, swimming at Lake Hendricks, water park supervision, visited with various relatives, camping, shopping at Cabella’s
Upcoming To Do: return rental car, shopping at Mall of America, airplane to Portland, drive home from Seattle