Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154364
Weight lost (in pounds): 0
Aches & pains: sciatica
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: Christmas music, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits
Recent viewing: Bounce, It’s a Wonderful Life, Spurs at Suns, King Corn, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Kingpin, Outback Bowl, The Shining, The Covenant, United 93, The Weird Al Show
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Galcon, Rock Band
Recently accomplished: Purchased new TV, Christmas shopping, snow removal, recycling
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, clean garage, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154292
Weight lost (in pounds): 0
Aches & pains: n/a
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: RadioheadTom Waits, BeckR.E.M.Willy & The Poor Boys by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Recent viewing: The Hoax, Heroes, Fringe, How I Met Your Mother, Colts at Browns
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Guitar Hero, Lego Star Wars, Galcon
Recently accomplished: Quicken Online migration, purchased Xbox 360, Christmas shopping, mouse cleanup & execution
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, clean garage, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154235
Weight lost (in pounds): 1
Aches & pains: n/a
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, R.E.M.,
Recent viewing: Next, Blowout, Indecision 2008, Grindhouse presents Planet Terror, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Blood Diamond, Colts at Steelers, Penn State at Iowa, Suns at Rockets, Fringe, Heroes, My Name Is Earl, The Office
Recent playing: Chain Factor, GlueFO
Recently accomplished: Cleaned garage enough to fit Scion again, foam recycling, doctor appointment, cat boxes, paid bills, packing for Foster City
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, clean garage, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2510
Van odometer: 154218
Weight lost (in pounds): 1
Aches & pains: post-nasal drip (remnants of cold)
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: R.E.M.NPR Story of the DayScience FridayThe Jimi Hendrix Experience (Box)This American Life
Recent viewing: Countdown, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report
Recent playing: Chain FactorGlueFO
Recently accomplished: Blackberry removal, cleaned cat boxes, hazardous waste recycling, apple/pear pickup, garage cleanup & organization, apple & cider delivery
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, vote, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, office organization, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries, foam recycling

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2510
Van odometer: 154057
Weight lost (in pounds): 4
Aches & pains: numbness in left leg at times, stye (left eye), sore throat and cough
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: Down by the Old Mainstream by Golden Smog, Accelerate by R.E.M., Science Friday, Coverville, DrugMusic
Recent viewing: The Daily  Show, The Colbert Report, Numb3rs, Meet the Press, Patriots at Chargers, 60 Minutes, Nashville, Made, Dan in Real Life, Presidential Debate
Recent playing: Chain Factor, GlueFO
Recently accomplished: Cancelled gym membership, mowed lawn, paid bills, stored air conditioner for the winter, mailed packages
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, office organization, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries

Vital Statistics

Relatives seen: 30 (approximate)
Weight lost (in pounds): 0
Aches & pains: sciatic
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: “Grandma music”
Recent viewing: CBS Morning News, The Fugitive, Presidential debate
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Spaceward Ho!
Recently accomplished: Travel to Iowa, birthday celebrations with my birthday uncle, Spam Museum (outside only)
Imperative To Do: Return home, cancel gym membership, get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, office organization, get rid of MacRenewal Macs

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2510
Van odometer: 154024
Weight lost (in pounds): 2
Aches & pains: numbness in left leg at times, dry left eye in the morning
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: All Hope Is Gone by Slipknot, Quadrophenia, Pink Floyd
Recent viewing: Superbad, No Country For Old Men, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Countdown, The Rachel Maddow Show
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Spaceward Ho!, foosball (at Yahoo!)
Recently accomplished: Prepped “new” computers for Thomas & Graham, installed Tina’s bike computer, Craigslist ad for Thomas/Graham, freecycle, Goodwill runs, booked trip to Iowa, book trip to Foster City, returned cans, office organization, returned Xbox
Imperative To Do: Cancel gym membership, get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, clean garage, office organization, get rid of MacRenewal Macs

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2500
Van odometer: 154003
Weight lost (in pounds): 0
Aches & pains: left shin (scab gone), lower back, all my muscles
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Recent listening: The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Box), News from Lake Wobegon, Science Friday, Coverville, DrugMusic
Recent viewing: Olympics, Democratic National Convention, Republican National Convention, The O’Reilly Factor
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Spaceward Ho!
Recently accomplished: Upgraded DSL, cleaned cat boxes, setup VPN access for work, office cleaning, office moving, office remodeling, cardboard recycling
Imperative To Do: Craigslist items for Thomas/Graham, install Tina’s bike computer, get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, oil change for van, weeds, clean garage, moss

And the sun shines on the bay

I had to get up early this morning for another trip to EFI HQ in Foster City, CA. The 7:30 flight translates into a 5:00 am wake up time and I failed to get to bed before midnight. I’ll probably “nap” on the 2 hour flight but it will likely make no difference today. I’ll be attending a series of meetings today and tomorrow welcoming and orientating me and a colleague to our new team at EFI. You can bet that I’ll be hitting the free espresso machine whenever I get a chance this afternoon.
Continue reading “And the sun shines on the bay”