Hilarious if you know Guitar Hero. Maybe not so much if you don’t.
Kitty Spa
Sure, it works the first time but try getting him in there again!
Banana Guards
While researching rain gear, I came upon this product. I was unaware that bananas needed protection, but it’s comforting to know that they are out there if we need them.
Thanksgiving It To You
Nothing like a little sexual innuendo to make you thankful.
Subtly effective
If you don’t get it, go here and read the comments.
Chocolate Rain
No, this kid is not lip synching – that’s his real voice. Check out his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (skip forward about halfway thru for the interview) if you don’t believe me. The above clip has generated over 10 million views and has spawned a bunch of covers and remixes. Here’s a few that I liked:
- Chad Vader
- Flippy Cat
- Tre Cool (from Green Day)
- Kuato (from the movie Total Recall)
- Self parody (with a clip of John Mayer at the end)
- Some guy covers the John Mayer cover
You can find a complete list of YouTube clips here
Your nose is longer than a telephone wire
Scott Adams gets political
You may know Scott Adams as the creator of Dilbert, but I bet you didn’t know he also writes political commentary. I didn’t either until I read this piece on the recent visit to the U.S. by the President of Iran. As a lifelong advocate for freedom of speech, his point is well taken here.
Simpson’s Theme
Be sure to check out the video responses.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 1841
Weight lost: 40 lbs.
South Beach days in the last week: 4
Hours of sleep last night: 6
Hours billed last week: 40
Aches & pains: right wrist, lower back
Current reading:: 2107 Curious Word Origins, Says & Expressions by Charles Earle Funk, The Book of Totally Useless Information by Don Voorhees, Writing Solid Code by Steve Maguire
Recent listening: News from Lake Wobegon, This American Life, KBOO Bike Show, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, Fresh Air
Recent viewing: Monk, Dead Zone, Countdown, Sky High, Dead Zone, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report
Recent playing: Gimme Friction Baby, Guitar Hero II (XBox 360)
Recently accomplished: mowed lawn, cleaned cat boxes, swept garage, can recycling, trimmed hydrangia, pulled blackberries, foam recycling, Salvation Army, magazine recycling, can return, groceries, salary presentation, doctor appointment, CPAP appointment
Imperative To Do: RMA old Tivo drive, sift through inbox, post office, finish garage, freecycle gorilla shelf parts