Yesterday I discovered a blog called Passive Aggressive Notes which is mostly an ongoing collection of passive-aggressive notes from co-workers, roommates and strangers. Some excellent examples are the refrigerator thief, the nose-picker, unwashed dishes and my favorite, the plea for bathroom hygiene.
Office Gags for Nerds
How To Kiss Someone Passionately
Instructional video.
VideoJug: How To Kiss Someone Passionately
You should be dancing
Chicken Police
Kermit is sad
Evidently, Kermit didn’t take the death of Jim Henson very well. Read all about it here (link broken). The following video may be objectionable to some viewers.
Go Your Way
The P-Mate is a bizarre product that purportedly allows women to pee standing up. Check out the How To page for the explanation of how it works. I am doubtful.
Get A New Daddy
I caught this on PowerFuse a couple of times. Sick but funny.
Masculinity lost
This thread on Fark is a classic. For those of you not familiar with Fark terminology, “TF’er” is one who subscribes to the Total Fark service which probably includes more services (I’m not a TF’er). Also, Fark automatically replaces certain words with similar sounding words. Nevertheless, I should warn you that this thread contains explicit and possibly offensive language.