Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 1385

Aches & pains: Right shoulder (last week)

Current reading: The Swift Programming Language

Recent listening: WTF with Marc Maron, Accidental Tech Podcast, This American Life, Radiolab

Recent viewing: Westworld, NBA Finals, Billions, My Next Guest…, The Break with Michelle Wolf, Evil Genius

Recent playing: Picture Cross

Recent events: Thomas moved home

Recently accomplished: 36 miles/week riding, planted grass, new rear wheel, paid bills, installed AC, doctor’s appointment, vacuuming

Imperative To Do: 100 miles/week riding, plant grass in bare spots, clean roof, manual insurance claims, lawn border, buy tickets for August wedding, bariatric surgery

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: sciatica, ankles

Current reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, Cracking the Code Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell

Recent listening: Cop Killer by Body Count, Anthology 1964-1977 by Johnny Rivers, These Foolish Things by Bryan Ferry, Garcia Plays Dylan, Neon Bible by Arcade Fire, The Doggfather by Snoop Dogg, Slow Train Coming by Bob Dylan, S-Town (podcast)

Recent viewing: Big Little Lies, Homeland, Billions, Scandal, The Last Man on Earth, Dave Chappelle: Collection 1, Marvel’s Iron Fist, The Crown

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: Replaced CR-V, changed insurance agent, cleaned roof & gutters, job interviews, The Daily Bowie

Imperative To Do: Write Mother’s article, find a job