DJ Demos Twin iPad Setup

I’m very excited about Apple’s new product. You may have heard of it, it’s called the “iPad.”

In all seriousness, though, from the day Apple publicly announced it, my feeling has been that this device could be groundbreaking with the right software. The video below demonstrates just how powerful and remarkable iPad software can be. In the video, Robert Scoble interviews DJ Rana Sobhany, who demonstrates the software she uses with two iPads to create music.

In order to get the full context, you have to watch the whole video. However, I’ve attempted to summarize below just how amazing software on the iPad can look and feel:

  • 3:00: Demonstration begins for the Korg software
  • 5:20: Explanation of what the Looptastic app does
  • 6:10: Demonstration begins for how she puts it all together
  • 6:50: Notice as she adds more music on the left iPad, she uses two fingers to drag two different things into the mix.
  • 8:00: Again multiple simultaneous finger interactions with the controls.
  • 15:44: Demonstration of using audio effects like the high pass filter

What I find amazing about this demo is that how obviously simple it is to use this software. When she drags things in from the musical palette, the motions she uses look completely natural and it’s obvious she doesn’t have to think about how to get where she wants.

At the beginning and end she makes the point that iPad applications are going to get better now that developers actually have iPads. The initial influx of apps were created using Apple’s software simulator that runs on a Macintosh computer. While it gives you a good idea about sizing of controls and such, there are many lessons you learn once you pick up the iPad and try to use an app. In the case of the Korg app (the first she demonstrates), it is obvious that the developers were seeking to mimic a “real” (i.e. hardware) component by having things like dial controls. Although they look cool, such controls will likely morph into other controls that are easier to control on the iPad (for example, sliders).

You can follow Rana Sobhany on Twitter or visit her website,

New Music Video from OK Go

Here is an amazing video from “YouTube” stars, OK Go. Watch carefully and wonder to yourself how many takes this took:

If you don’t have flash on your device, you can view the video on YouTube with this link. Why didn’t I just embed the YouTube video? Damian Kulash, Jr., one of the guys in the band, wrote a very interesting article on a fan forum a few days ago that did an excellent job of explaining the intricacies of the music industry’s DRM machine. Today Kulash followed up with a tremendous New York Times Guest Op-Ed.

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2567
Aches & pains: n/a
Current reading: ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
Recent listening: Coverville
Recent viewing: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Some Kind of Monster, Brokeback Mountain, Creature Comforts, Super Bowl XLIV, The Colbert Report
Recent playing: geoDefense, Link4 Online, Hand of Greed
Recently accomplished: Finished antenna attic setup, mounted hooks in office, purchased new handheld vacuum
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, clean office, clean roof, fix bathroom door (again), Scout accounting, haircut, clean ice maker, cardboard recycling

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2567
Aches & pains: the usual suspects
Current reading: ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
Recent listening: Muse, Tom Waits, XTC, Massive Attack, Portishead, DJ Shadow, The Chemical Brothers, Tones on Tail
Recent viewing: Timeline, Shaft (remake), Medium, Flash Forward, Heroes, Dollhouse, Buffy, Better Off Ted, The 13th Warrior, Memento, The Illustrated Man, World’s Greatest Dad
Recent playing: geoDefense, Link4 Online
Recently accomplished: Ordered birth certificate, Scout bookkeeping, passport application, voted
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, hook up antenna in the attic, clean office, clean roof, fix bathroom door (again)

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2567
Aches & pains: sore sinuses
Current reading: Timeline by Michael Crichton, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Corey Doctorow
Recent listening: Fairground Attraction, Essential Rarities by The Doors, Love and Rockets, Live at the Olympia by R.E.M.
Recent viewing: Jericho (Season One), Beef, Overnight, Capturing the Freedmans, Orgazmo, Everest: Beyond the Limit (Season Two), Die Hard, NFL Wildcard Playoffs
Recent playing: geoDefense, Link4 Online
Recently accomplished: Christmas tree recycling, grocery shopping, replaced furnace filters
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, hook up antenna in the attic, get passport, clean office, clean roof, fix bathroom door (again)

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2567
Aches & pains: numbness in left thigh, minor stomach flu, congestion, cough, sore right hip
Current reading: Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, Red Planet by Robert A. Heinlein, I Am America (and So Can You) by Stephen Colbert
Recent listening: Run DMC, Bach, The Doors, Neil Young, Fairground Attraction, News from Lake Wobegon
Recent viewing: Deadwood, Countdown, The Rachel Maddow Show, How I Met Your Mother, The National Parks, Arrested Development, Nova, football
Recent playing: geoDefense
Recently accomplished: Tina’s 40th birthday party, Christmas shopping (most), vacuumed office
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, put antenna in the attic, get passport, clean office, finish Best of 2008, rebates, clean roof

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 2557
Aches & pains: numbness in left thigh
Current reading: Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Recent listening: Son Volt, Seals & Crofts, Firefall, Bread, Brave Combo, Sweet
Recent viewing: Fringe, Glee, Mad Men, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, The Office, Iowa at Ohio State, Forrest Gump, Land of the Lost (movie)
Recent playing: Doodle Jump, geoDefense
Recently accomplished: Fruit pickup and delivery, expense reports, winterization, yard work, doctor appointment, called Guisseppe’s, replaced rusty grill, cat attic prevention, new stylus for turntable (last?)
Imperative To Do: Clean gutters, put antenna in the attic, clean office, finish Best of 2008, rebates, clean roof