Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
06:15,Get out of bed
,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
,Water cats
06:45,Ride to work
,Peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
12:30,Lunch (60g carbs)
16:00,Ride home
18:30,Dinner (60g carbs)
19:00,Free time for…
,…Reading books
21:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard
Daily habit goals, January
Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
08:00,Get out of bed
,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
,Make coffee
,Kitchen chores while waiting
,Make/eat peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
08:30,Apply for jobs/career development
,Medications with second cup of coffee
09:30,Drive for Uber/Lyft
12:30,Lunch (60g carbs)
13:00,iOS developer training
14:00,Bike ride (10 miles minimum)
16:00,iOS developer training
17:30,Dinner (60g carbs)
,Drive for Uber/Lyft
21:00,Free time for…
,…Reading books
22:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard
Daily habit goals, November
Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
08:30,Get out of bed
,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
,Make coffee
,Kitchen chores while waiting
,Make/eat peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
09:00,Apply for jobs/career development
,Medications with second cup of coffee
11:00,iOS developer training
13:00,Bike ride (10 miles minimum)
14:00,Lunch (60g carbs)
15:00,iOS developer training
19:00,Dinner (60g carbs)
19:30,Free time for…
,…Reading books
22:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard
Daily habit goals, October
Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
08:30,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
08:35,Bike ride (10 miles minimum)
09:30,Make coffee
,Kitchen chores while waiting
,Make/eat peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
09:45,Apply for jobs
,Medications (second cup of coffee)
11:00,iOS developer training
14:00,Lunch (60g carbs)
15:00,iOS developer training
16:30,Bike ride
19:00,Dinner (60g carbs)
19:30,Free time for…
,…Reading books
22:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard
Transoceanic depth in this earth in this cenotaph
It’s been three weeks since Tina’s surgery and she is still recovering. Her mom, Jan, stayed with us for a couple of weeks and was a tremendous help, but we’re on our own again now. We’ve all gotten into a routine since she left, but we’ll be glad when Tina is back to full strength again. She’s frustrated with the speed of her recovery but glad that she already feels better now than she did before the surgery. She’s looking forward to an active spring and summer with our family.
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