Bike odometer: 2529
Van odometer: 155709
Aches & pains: mosquito bites (healing)
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk
Recent listening: Seconds of Pleasure by Rockpile, Rust Never Sleeps by Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Revolver by The Beatles, Faith and Courage by Sinéad O’Connor
Recent viewing: The Lady in the Water, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (series), Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Sphere, Dear God, Roadside Prophets, The Last Days of Frankie the Fly, The Golden Compass, Truth or Consequences NM, Helvetica, A Scanner Darkly, I’m Not There, The King of Kong, The Killing of John Lennon
Recent playing: Peggle (for iPhone)
Recently accomplished: Bachelor week, Caravan DEQ and registration, cat boxes
Imperative To Do: Read Sam’s script, return cans, put antenna in the attic, clean office, finish Best of 2008
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2529
Van odometer: 155627
Aches & pains: mosquito bites
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk
Recent listening: Collected Works by Simon and Garfunkel, Red Hot + Rhapsody by various artists, Bachbusters by Don Dorsey, The Story by Brandi Carlile, Musique Vol 1 by Daft Punk, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by Genesis
Recent viewing: The Prestige, Terminator: Salvation, Rescue Dawn, Star Trek, Rocky Balboa, NBA Conference Playoffs, Witness for the Prosecution, Up, Call of the Wild, The Third Man, The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
Recent playing: Galcon, Peggle (for iPhone)
Recently accomplished: pulled blackberries, haircut, weed and feed lawn, turned compost, cat boxes, took Ming to vet
Imperative To Do: Read Sam’s script, return cans, put antenna in the attic, clean office, finish Best of 2008
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2529
Van odometer: 155015
Aches & pains: lower back, muscles (moving)
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets, The Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
Recent listening: No Line on the Horizon by U2, Final Boss by MC Frontalot
Recent viewing: Lost (Seasons 2-5), Medium, Hardball, NBA Playoffs, Rachel Maddow Show
Recent playing: Galcon
Recently accomplished: working in Vancouver, cleaned cat boxes, cleaned van, cardboard recycling, showed Thomas how to mow lawn, showed Graham how to use the edger, equipment salvage in Vancouver office
Imperative To Do: Scouts accounting, turn compost, read Sam’s script, return cans
What’s on Thomas’ Hard Drive?

This image speaks volumes about Thomas. He made it using Disk Inventory and marked it up with Skitch. Code Monkeys, How I Met Your Mother and Doogie Howser are all television series. Click the image to see it full size.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154556
Aches & pains: miniature frost bite on my elbow (turned black), back in spasm for 3 days
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: Coverville, Live from Austin, TX by Neko Case, The 99 Most Essential Beethoven Masterpieces, Weird Al Yankovic, Final Boss by MC Frontalot
Recent viewing: The Thing, The Tick, Numbers, Coraline, The Daily Show, Battlestar Galactica, This Week with George Stephanopolous, Meet the Press, Firefly, Welcome to Macintosh, Fringe, Confessions of a Superhero, Lost (Season 1)
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Galcon
Recently accomplished: Can recycling for Scouts, Coldplay tickets for Thomas, found outlet for Boy Scout can recycling, yard debris, Valentine’s Day plans, volunteered to be Troop 820 Treasurer, visited Evergreen Aerospace Museum
Imperative To Do: Freecycle, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, recover network functionality on old Tivo. Read their multimeter reviews for more information.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154411
Aches & pains: sciatica, tiny frostbite on elbow, lower back
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: Bucketheadland by Buckethead, The Complete Goldberg Variations by Glenn Gould, Across A Crowded Room by Richard Thompson, Weird Al Yankovic
Recent viewing: The Illusionist, Hancock, Brainman, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Stay, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Ravens at Steelers, Eagles at Cardinals, Fantastic Four, Battlestar Galactica, Monkey Shines, The Dark Knight, Mars Attacks
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Galcon
Recently accomplished: Cancelled Costco TV order, activated “new” Tivo, purchased new TV (again), Pinewood derby car for Graham, shopping, taking care of Tina
Imperative To Do:Â Freecycle, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, recover network functionality on old Tivo
Netflix again
Back in 2003, we dropped cable TV in order to save money when I was unemployed. When my employment became stable again, I decided against monopolistic and customer-unfriendly Comcast and signed up with DirecTV. Part of the package included a dual-tuner Tivo with which I immediately fell in love. It didn’t take long before I had used up the 50 hours of available space and started to feel the pressure to watch my shows before they disappeared. As a result we dropped our Netflix subscription since we were watching Tivo all the time and never had time for DVDs.
2009 has brought the advent of the HD age to our household and things are changing in our content consumption. Before I purchased our new LCD TV at Costco, I promised myself that I would not spend a bunch of money after to make all our content HD. In fact, the main reason we got the TV was because of the Xbox. The impending HD switch-over was a consideration but not a big one because DirecTV provides our television content and they will continue to provide the same service for some time.
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154364
Weight lost (in pounds): 0
Aches & pains:Â sciatica
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: Christmas music, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits
Recent viewing:Â Bounce, It’s a Wonderful Life, Spurs at Suns, King Corn, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Kingpin, Outback Bowl, The Shining, The Covenant, United 93, The Weird Al Show
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Galcon, Rock Band
Recently accomplished: Purchased new TV, Christmas shopping, snow removal, recycling
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, clean garage, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154292
Weight lost (in pounds): 0
Aches & pains: n/a
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: Radiohead, Tom Waits, Beck, R.E.M., Willy & The Poor Boys by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Recent viewing: The Hoax, Heroes, Fringe, How I Met Your Mother, Colts at Browns
Recent playing: Chain Factor, Guitar Hero, Lego Star Wars, Galcon
Recently accomplished: Quicken Online migration, purchased Xbox 360, Christmas shopping, mouse cleanup & execution
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, clean garage, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries
Vital Statistics
Bike odometer: 2523
Van odometer: 154235
Weight lost (in pounds): 1
Aches & pains: n/a
Current reading: My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy, Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
Recent listening: Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, R.E.M.,
Recent viewing: Next, Blowout, Indecision 2008, Grindhouse presents Planet Terror, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Blood Diamond, Colts at Steelers, Penn State at Iowa, Suns at Rockets, Fringe, Heroes, My Name Is Earl, The Office
Recent playing: Chain Factor, GlueFO
Recently accomplished: Cleaned garage enough to fit Scion again, foam recycling, doctor appointment, cat boxes, paid bills, packing for Foster City
Imperative To Do: Get rid of office junk, freecycle, activate new Tivo, clean garage, get rid of MacRenewal Macs, trim bushes, pull blackberries